In order to understand how parts of the human brain, especially the retina, function in health and disease, we perform an interdisciplinary and integrative approach combining stem cell research, systems biology, bioengineering, biomedicine with visual neuroscience. Our ultimate goal is to develop innovative therapies to protect, preserve and restore visual functions.
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Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research Life and Brain Center University of Bonn Medical Center Sigmund-Freud Str. 25 53127 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research Life and Brain Center University of Bonn Medical Center Sigmund-Freud Str. 25 53127 Bonn
Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research Life and Brain Center University of Bonn Medical Center Sigmund-Freud Str. 25 53127 Bonn