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The neural basis of navigation in goldfish
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The neural basis of navigation in goldfish

Date: September 24, 2024 10:00 am

The neural basis of navigation in goldfish

Speaker: Ronen Segev

Affiliation: Ben Gurion University

Fish and almost all animals need to navigate to survive. To investigate the neural basis of navigation, it is critical to find where in the brain the relevant neural circuits exist, and how information about space is encoded by the activity of single neurons when the animal explores the environment. We address these issues in goldfish, a representative species of the largest vertebrate class – teleost. In the talk, I will present results from behavioral experiments, functional neuroanatomy, and electrophysiology to address the question of the neural basis of navigation in this animal.

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MPINB Lecture Hall, Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 2, 53175 Bonn
Meeting-ID: 637 6730 0567


Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn


Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn


Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn