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Treatment options for PD using MRgFUS lesion techniques
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Treatment options for PD using MRgFUS lesion techniques

Date: October 26, 2021 5:15 pm

Treatment options for PD using MRgFUS lesion techniques

Speaker: Raul Martinez Fernández, Dr.

Neurowissenschaftlichen Vortragsreihe der Klinik für Neurologie

Host: Thomas Klockgether, Prof. Dr.

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Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn


Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn


Prof. Dr. Heinz Beck
Institute of Experimental Epileptology and Cognition Research
Life and Brain Center
University of Bonn Medical Center
Sigmund-Freud Str. 25
53127 Bonn